Friday, April 4, 2008
Answer: Bush is a bad example, American policies have caused nothing but grief to the Muslims and Non-Muslims alike. No Muslims or Islam didn't drop the bomb or invented it, but they sure do want it so that they can flatten the world. It's only a matter of time. Iran is trying, Pakistan already has it, When and if any hardline Muslims government will take the throne, we should all worry.
- Not So Political said...
Bush is a bad example, American policies have caused nothing but grief to the Muslims and Non-Muslims alike. No Muslims or Islam didn't drop the bomb or invented it, but they sure do want it so that they can flatten the world. It's only a matter of time. Iran is trying, Pakistan already has it, When and if any hardline Muslims government will take the throne, we should all worry. -
April 4, 2008 at 10:04 AM
- Not So Political said...
To answer your last question, will a person living in the jungle be saved if he or she has never heard of Jesus. The answer is 'no'. However, it's our responsibility as a Christian to bring the message of Jesus to all mankind. Especially, to the ones who have never heard of him. Christian missionaries do just that. Even at the danger of risking their lives they do it. This is our duty.
April 4, 2008 at 10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
Thats not very fair, what about all those before Jesus? who did they worship?
April 7, 2008 at 8:12 AM
- Not So Political said...
By that are you referring to the Jews? or the idol worshipers? Jews are known as the 'chosen people' through out the bible. They worship the same God Christians do. They just don't believe that Jesus is any shape or form significant. They are still waiting for the "messiah" to save them even though one walked with them. Christian's consider them "spiritually blind". The New Testament is quite clear, that you can't see the "father if you don't believe in the son". Anyone who believes in Christ is saved by his grace. Anyone who does not is risking his/her spiritual life.
As for the idol worshipers, moon God fanatics and the Hindus for over 5000 years also have a chance if they throw away their false beliefs and follow Christ.
As for being fair, like I said Christianity is not in any ways easy. Having a false belief would be easy. The atheist are even worse as they have access to Christ, but knowingly chose not to follow him.
The Prophet Muhammad said "Submit" Christ said "Decide" that's a huge difference in both of these religions. Needless to say anyone can be saved, and the path to salvation is quite simple. -
April 7, 2008 at 8:41 AM
- JustICE said...
The quote is from kingdom of heaven: it is not as simple as that:
2:256 Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
I am talking about those who have never known about Christ ever from the middle of nowhere,why should they be punished? The missionaries convert them from one paganised belief to another. The only way you deny the pure monotheism of Islam is by claiming the God of the Qur'an and the Bible is different, which is ridiculous as in hebew we find Elif Lam Lam Ha (sometimes Meem)and Alif Lam lam ha in Arabic. Ask Arab Christians and Jews who there God is? Why does the Arabic bible have Allah several times in Genesis. -
April 8, 2008 at 4:58 AM
- JustICE said...
Who did the Jews and other races worship before Jesus. What about the prophets? Abaraham, Moses, Adam, jacob, Job etc.
April 8, 2008 at 5:00 AM
- Not So Political said...
No one is punished if they hear the word of God and come to Christ. He knocks on everyones door, it's up to us whether we let him in or not. The missionaries are doing God's work. How many people did Mother Theresa try to convert? None. But in a land where idol worship is everything believed and loved her more than anyone else. The true conversion takes place if we try to do what Christ wants us to do. If we give people the word of God but do something totally different in our lives, people will see right through it. That is what these missionaries do, they help people and by doing so are role models of a Christian life. The biggest role model of a Christian life is Jesus himself.
People before Jesus were worshiping God (Yahweh)Jesus also worshiped to the same God. But he also said that "he and the father are one". "He who has seen me has also seen the father" why would anyone need anyone else?
As for the conversion Muslims do the same. Muslim missionaries from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Pakistan have been visiting mosques in East Africa to recruit young men for holy war.
Moderate Muslim leaders say the part-time preachers go from mosque to mosque spouting sermons of hate, then offer young men a chance to wage holy war in Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan.
A moderate Muslim leader in Tanzania says most older clerics try to warn their congregations that the extremists distort Islam.
Most people in Zanzibar follow a mystical form of Sufi Islam, which emphasizes peace and harmony, so they tend to reject the missionaries' fiery rhetoric.
But the missionaries appeal to a frustrated minority who believe Islam is at war.
I never heard of a Christian missionary recruiting people for war. -
April 14, 2008 at 11:57 AM
To answer your last question, will a person living in the jungle be saved if he or she has never heard of Jesus. The answer is 'no'. However, it's our responsibility as a Christian to bring the message of Jesus to all mankind. Especially, to the ones who have never heard of him. Christian missionaries do just that. Even at the danger of risking their lives they do it. This is our duty.