If Jesus never claimed to be divine, and never claimed it in the sense that is indicated in the Gospels, it is reasonable to expect that:
- The enemies of Christianity and the early church would have declared that Jesus never made such claims, or was misunderstood. Some did indeed do this, but wrote quite some time after the fact. There is no record contemporary or closely contemporary with Jesus (first century AD) that indicates that He never made any special claims for Himself, or that the church invented the claims. Even after that time, however, the major skeptics of the first several centuries never argued this point. Celsus, for example, said that Jesus called Himself the Son of God, but wrongly. Porphyry, one of the most-feared skeptics in the early church, did not deny Jesus' claims to divinity, but instead tried to 'downgrade' Jesus into a hero-type deity (a third-class deity in the Roman hierarchy!). This adds up to strong evidence that (a) the Jesus-never-claimed-divinity argument had not been advanced by skeptics of the time, and (b) if it was used, perhaps by some skeptic whose works we have totally lost, it was so easily dismissed or so lacked adequate credibility that it could not be used by the best anti-Christian skeptics.
- A parallel movement, that acclaimed Jesus as merely a good teacher, would have emerged alongside Christianity. To be sure, there are those such as Burton L. Mack, author of The Lost Gospel, who would have us believe that a such a movement did exist; but conveniently enough, he tells us, it came and went too quickly to leave behind any concrete physical evidence for us to know what happened to them!
As it is, there are no extant texts from the first century, or even from the century thereafter, that represent Jesus as claiming to be only human or only a prophet--He is ALWAYS portrayed as making exalted claims to a super-human status. Later heresies of the church, such as Gnosticism, involved paganistic and/or mystical additions upon what Jesus meant in the Gospels when He claimed to be God; they never denied that He made any special claims about Himself. As we noted previously, the earliest known pagan critic of Christianity to address the issue, Celsus, argued that Jesus did apply the title "Son of God" to Himself, but wrongly [Wilk.ChrRom, 109]; only much later did those critics deny that Jesus made such claims. The argument that Jesus never claimed to be divine is in fact nothing more than an unsupportable conjecture, an argument from silence competing against the scream of the available data. Each of the above claims, and every known document of the church, even the heretical ones, acknowledge that Jesus claimed divinity. There is absolutely no evidence to the contrary that can be cited. Saying that there is no evidence that Jesus claimed divinity can only be managed by ignoring reams of evidence, or by facile dismissal.
And now the final point, If we allow that Jesus' claims were manufactured by His followers, or that His claims were misunderstood by them, we do nothing more than create a different sort of trilemma! Jesus' followers were either:
A.Telling the truth, and they knew it;
B.Telling a lie, and they knew it; or,
C.Telling a lie, and they didn't know it because they misunderstood.
If we choose B), we are left to wonder what motivated Jesus' followers to begin lying and maintain that lie. They did not benefit at all by claiming that their Master was God incarnate: They were ostracized, criticized, rejected, persecuted, and in many cases martyred. Nor did they make loads of money by claiming what they did - no Jim Bakkers in this crowd! This being the case, we may ask why none of Jesus' followers cracked under pressure, or got fed up with persecutions and inconveniences, and admitted that the divinity claims by Jesus were a fabrication. We may, of course, speculate that it is possible that Jesus' followers lied, but there are no signed confessions, no counterclaims by the Pharisees trumpeting the recanting of a disciple of Jesus - nothing. To argue this, we must argue from silence. More than that, we must argue AGAINST the data of their lives and the witness of history. To raise it as a MERE possibility does not constitute advancing evidence for the speculation.
Choosing C) offers a slightly more hopeful refuge for the skeptic. It may be objected that Jesus spoke rather cryptically at times, so that perhaps He truly was misunderstood. But as we have shown in the linked essays, it is hardly plausible that Jesus' claims were misunderstood; they are too clear-cut when understood in the context of the time and place they were made. Moreover, are there not also degrees of metaphorical difficulty? Some metaphors are easier to understand than others, and some people understand and interpret metaphor better than others! So, how can we be sure that Jesus' followers didn't at some point correctly grasp what He was saying? It is only in our modern-day arrogance that we say that they were incorrect, and we, looking down the tunnel of 2000 years, are better qualified to understand (and contrary to evidence!) what Jesus actually said!
Finally, we are told that Jesus DID explain things to His disciples privately after the crowds were gone: "He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything." (Mark 4:34 - this was standard practice for an inner circle of disciples. For a practical example of this, see the Parable of the Sower in Matt. 13.) These, of course, represent the people who wrote (Matthew, John) or else supplied information for (Mark, Luke) the Gospels. And at any rate, many of the claims to divinity are quite direct, and not in the least metaphorical.
Jesus claimed to be God the Son. No matter how hard we try to dissect it or explain it away, the evidence points directly to that most special claim made by Jesus. One must now answer His question: "Who do you say that I am?"
There was much confusion amongst early christians about this. however, God does become a man, he sends messengers jesus was another messenger, as mentioned in the Quran, free from imperfections.
Out of all organisms that God created which of them is "imperfect"? Answer: no one, then next logical question is who can be perfect? answer: only God can, why is then Jesus considered imperfect in both the Bible and the Quran?
Note that this kind of heavenly and spiritual imperfection is not attributed to any prophet in the history of mankind (including Muhammad)
Depends on what you mean by imperfect. All the prophets were morally perfect as an example for us not perfect in strength or health or whatever.
No they weren't. They all sinned as all men sin. Only Jesus was perfect as is known to all.
how was he perfect?
God's Word tells us that His Holy Spirit inspired the words and actions of the prophets so that when communicating the messages of God they were infallible and did not convey imperfections or discrepancies; yet it does not deny their humanity or the fact that they were themselves subject to errors, negligence, and forgetfulness and committed sin in their ordinary daily affairs. Deficiency resides in man, whatever his rank, status or measure of piety. God alone is unique in His perfection.
I find it interesting that even the Qur'an (I am quoting from Mohd. M. Pickthall's Translation) agrees with the Holy Bible on this issue:
Adam: Sura Ta Ha 20:121: "And Adam disobeyed his Lord, so went astray."
Al-Baidawi, the Muslim commentator says of this verse, "He strayed from the path of duty and despaired, or wandered away from what he was commanded to do, or deviated from the right direction because he was deceived by the enemy."
Muslim scholars have agreed that disobedience is one of the major sins, on the evidence of S. The Jinn 72:23: "whoso disobeyeth Allah and his messenger, lo! his is fire of hell, wherein such dwell for ever." The Arabic word for disobedience in both passages is the same- "asa".
Jonah: S. Who Set Ranks 37:139-142: "And lo! Jonah verily was of those sent. When he fled unto the laden ship, and then drew lots and was of those rejected; And the fish swallowed him while he was blameworthy."
Abraham: S. The Poets 26:82: "And who, I ardently hope will forgive me my sin on The Day of Judgement."
S. Abraham 14:41: "Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents and believers on the day when the account is cast."
Moses: S. The Story 28:16: "He said: My Lord! Lo! I have wronged my soul, so forgive me. Then He forgave him."
S. The Heights 7:151 "He said; My Lord! Have mercy on me and on my brother; bring us into Thy mercy."
Noah: S. Noah 71:28: "My Lord forgive me and my parents..."
David: S. Sad 38:24: "And David guessed that we had tried him and he sought forgiveness of His Lord, and he bowed himself and fell down prostrate and repented."
Solomon: S. Sad 38:34-5: "Then did he repent. He said : My Lord! Forgive me."
These men, however pious they were, were still just men. They failed and sinned and therefore needed God's forgiveness. Sin has infected all mankind.
Only Christ was pure and free from sin. Therefore only He can be our Saviour.
As we have seen, the Qur'an records that even the great prophets confessed their sins; however, it never once records that Jesus confessed his sin.
Muhammad said of Jesus:
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "When any human being is born. Satan touches him at both sides of the body with his two fingers, except Jesus, the son of Mary, whom Satan tried to touch but failed".(Sahih al-Bukhari: vol. 4, book 54, no. 506)
The Qur'an also declares Jesus' perfection when it says that he is the only person who is always blessed.
And (God) hath made me (Jesus) blessed wheresoever I may be, and hath enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I remain alive (Qur'an 19:31, Pickthall).
For every moment of his life Jesus was blessed. This Arabic word for blessed (mubaarak) is only used to describe Jesus and is never used for anyone else. But it is used elsewhere to describe things that the Qur'an considers perfect. Thus the Qur'an itself is called blessed (6:93, 156), the first house of prayer is called blessed (3:96), and the olive tree that provides oil for the likeness of the light of God is called blessed (24:35), but Jesus is the only person who is blessed in this perfect way.
Have you ever wondered why Jesus alone was born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit? What did God reveal by doing this? The conception of Jesus is very different to the way we are conceived, and very different to the way the other prophets were conceived. We are all the natural descendants of Adam, born the natural way. However, Jesus is a supernatural descendant of Adam because he was born of a virgin. Jesus is more than a natural descendant of Adam; he is in fact like Adam when Adam was first created.
Lo! the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, then He said unto him: Be! and he is.(Qur'an 3:59, Pickthall)
Just as Adam had a supernatural start to life so too Jesus had a supernatural start as a man. The virgin birth demonstates the power of God to make a new Adam, a new start for humanity.
This does not mean anything, he is a great prophet yes, and had his own special features that does not mean we worship him. we worship God the way Jesus did, fasting, prayer, kindness, etc etc. By someone other than God i.e Jesus you are committing the most evil act. Jesus has not finished his life, the other prophets lives for years and still confessed their sins out of humbleness. Jesus may also do the same when he returns.
Once again you are assuming that Jesus will "confess his sins". If he does not have any sins (Both Quran and Bible says so) then what sins will does he have to confess?
Jesus will return on the Judgement day to judge the people. If he is coming in as a Judge and the Decider, then he is sinless and won't be coming to confess his sins, rather than judge us based on whether we accepted him or not and confessed OUR sins.
"But when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; (2 Thes 1:7-9)"
By the way, it's easy for you to say that the above "does not mean anything", because you don't want to accept the truth. I proved to you that all the other prophets sinned, Jesus did not and was considered "Blessed" even in the Quran yet you do not believe in his divinity? What other proof do you need?
How do you know, only the arrogant(satanic) (even if they are sinless) to say they are sinless, the true servants of god ask for forgiveness even if they are sinless, that is the sign of a true believer. Once prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was praying all night until his feet became sore. his wife asked why do you do this even though you are free of sin, he said: should i not be a grateful servant to my lord.
No one can say they are "sinless". Talk to anyone, do a survey, I would be really surprised if even the holiest of the the holy be able to say that he/she is sinless.
Everybody sins, that's a fact of life. Jesus did ask for forgiveness, but for the people who persecuted him. Luke 23:34 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
How do you know that Muhammad was asking for forgiveness, but instead as praying in worship? It doesn't say that he is "sinless" but rather that "his sins are forgiven". Which means he had sins that needed forgiveness. So prayed on occasions for the absolution from his sins.
When Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of ours sins. While Muhammad prayed for the forgiveness of his sins.
Are you accusing Jesus of not being sinless? If you believe in Jesus like you say you do and Quran says that he is sinless then how come you don't accept him as a saviour?
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