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Friday, April 4, 2008

Don't judge a religion by it's people

It's interesting to see that you "Troofsayer" say that I shouldn't judge Islam based on what some Muslims have done. Yet you keep telling me what Bush has done and so Christianity is to blamed for it.

Christianity in no way preaches bombing others or killing other in the name of God. Not even in self-defense. When someone slaps you on one cheek we are not to slap them back but to give them our other cheek. Christianity is not an easy religion, it tells us to control our animal instinct as human beings and follow Christ. Probably why you believe in the "Eye for an Eye" deal since it's quite easy to follow.


JustICE said...

Islam gives a practical system and law to control our animal instincts. thats why we have the five daily prayers ,fasting etc. Even the Bible can relate to this:
29 So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” Christianty isn't difficult you don;t have to do anything. If you seen its on Jesus' tab according to you. We believe in forgiveness first(our prophet showed us many examples)but also justice. Doesn't the bible say eye for an eye? See how a more contemporary figure Saladin forgave his enemies even after they killed his daughter.

JustICE said...

Sorry i meant if you SIN its on Jesus' tab.