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Friday, April 4, 2008

War in Iraq

Those groups are political, but they all believe in God, even American soldiers in iraq read from the Bible and then kill the 'durks' thinking their doing God's work. What about Blackwater the private security firm owned by the right-wing Christian fundamentalist Eric Prince.

I have mentioned this before and I will say it again. Anyone who kills in the name of God and thinks he/she is doing God's work is wrong and is not a Christian.

American soldiers are doing what their superiors are telling them. The private contractors are there to make money. The whole war in Irag is not a Christian directive, if it were the whole world be behind it.


Not So Political said...

I have mentioned this before and I will say it again. Anyone who kills in the name of God and thinks he/she is doing God's work is wrong and is not a Christian.

American soldiers are doing what their superiors are telling them. The private contractors are there to make money. The whole war in Irag is not a Christian directive, if it were the whole world be behind it.

JustICE said...

if anyone kills in the name of God will be questioned about it on the day of judgement.

Not So Political said...

Agreed, that includes Muslims.